Order Documentaries – Apartheid Era
The pre-1994 “struggle-years”
The following DOCUMENTARY FILM & VIDEO PRODUCTIONS by Kevin Harris on the Struggle Against Apartheid in South Africa
Available for non-commercial ownership purposes – on PAL DVD.
Purchase price [ per title or episode ]:
South Africa – R 450-00 [incl]
International – US $ 250-00
[ Includes packaging & local registered postage. International & express / courier dispatch additional cost as per charge by Courier / Post Office ]
E-mail your order to:khprod@global.co.za
Jimmy Cliff – Live at Orlando Stadium, Soweto – [1980]:
Produced by Paul Cockburn & Edited by Kevin Harris – May 1980
“This we can do for Justice & for Peace” – [1981 / 1982]:
58 minute feature documentary on the perspectives of Bishop Desmond Tutu, the Rev Peter Storey & the role of the South African Council of Churches in the fight against apartheid in South Africa during the 1980s
This film set new precedents regarding censorship of political documentaries in South Africa, having successfully fought on appeal thirteen cuts imposed by the Publications Control Board in 1982.
Broadcast by NBC New York under the title, “Land of fear, Land of Courage”,
the film was awarded two Emmy Awards.
“The Right Time” – 45 minutes – [1983]:
Workshopped with the township-youth, this film examines many facets of teenage- life in the townships including issues such as sexuality, rape and unwanted teenage pregnancies.
“If God be for us …” – [1983]:
40 minutes – looks at the operation of the SACC with regard to home & family life, the plight of “relocated” families, political prisoners & detainees & those banned & banished to the desolate Bantustans.
“No Middle Road to Freedom” – [1984 / 1985]:
Set against the backdrop of the Maseru onslaught by the SADF in December 1982 and the commemoration service held in SOWETO on 16th December 1982 – reflects on the increasing violent tensions and the pattern of “tit-for-tat” violence emerging in South African society.
“The Struggle from Within” – [1984 / 1985]:
45 minutes – looks at events in South Africa precipitated by the announcement of the Nationalist Government’s intention the implement their “new constitution” & tri-cameral parliament in 1984.
Looking at the rise of the UDF in response, the film traces events from the “referendum” of November 1983 to the aftermath of the anti-rent-increase demonstrations in the Black townships of the Vaal Triangle in September & October 1984.
“Tomorrow’s Parents” – 60 minutes – [1986]:
workshopped with the township-youth during the first “State-of-Emergency” in 1985, this film examines many facets of life in the townships including involvement in the struggle against Apartheid and the breakdown in “parent-child” communication in the townships.
“South Africa Now” – [1986 – 1987]
Episodes 1, 2, 3 & 4 – June 1986 to July 1987:
Episode 1 – June 1986:
Comprised of the following three reports:
“Police Brutality in Bophutatswana”; “The Death [ in police-custody ] of Petrus Nchabeleng”;
“Consumer Boycotts”.
Episode 2 – June 1986:
Comprised of the following two reports:
“Whites Against Apartheid”; “Peoples’ Education for Peoples’ Power”.
Episode 3 – December 1986
Comprised of the following two reports:
“Calling for Pressure”; “Children in Detention”.
Episode 4 – July 1987
Comprised of the following two reports:
“Behind ‘Black-on-Black’”; “UDF – Last Beleaguered Hope”.
This alternative series of documentary reports on Apartheid South Africa produced during the “state of emergency” in 1986 & 1987 formed the basis for the alternative documentary series subsequently broadcast on PBS in the USA under the title “South Africa Now” .
This series challenged the nature & content of mainstream network coverage of Apartheid South Africa by USA networks from 1987 to 1990.
“Namibia – no easy Road to Freedom” – [1988]:
( seized by the South African Security Police in 1988 in an unsuccessful attempt to prevent international distribution ) – 58 minutes. This documentary looks at the harsh realities suffered by Namibia’s civilian population under a history of colonial occupation & specifically under military occupation by the South African Security Forces. The film achieved “Finalist Status” at the International Film & Video Festival of New York & was awarded a Silver Award at the Houston International Film Festival for 1989.
“Not yet Free” – [1989]:
20 minute portrait of the life of a “restricted person” – released from detention but living under security restrictions in SOWETO.
“Cry of Reason – Beyers Naude, An Afrikaner speaks out” – 60 minutes – [1989]:
Director & co-producer of this USA documentary focusing on the life of Dr Beyers Naude – nominated for an Oscar at the 1989 Academy Awards.
“Namibia – Rebirth of a Nation” – [1990]:
45 minute documentary awarded on post-independence Namibia which received “Finalist Status” at the International Film & Video Festival of New York.
“Education – a basic human right” – [1992]:
the 45 minute documentary on the education crisis in Apartheid South Africa.
“Beyond the Darkness – education for all” – [1993]:
the 45 minute documentary on ABET [ Adult Basic education & Training ].