45 minutes – produced in German for ZDF Television – looks at the violence & the root causes of violence in SA in the 1990s.
A 45 minute documentary on ABET [ Adult Basic education & Training ].
A 45 minute documentary on the education crisis in Apartheid South Africa.
45 minute documentary on post-independence Namibia which received “Finalist Status” at the International Film & Video Festival of New York.
Director & co-producer of this USA documentary focusing on the life of Dr Beyers Naude – nominated for an Oscar at the 1989 Academy Awards.
20 minute portrait of the life of a “restricted person” – released from detention but living under security restrictions in SOWETO.
(Seized by the South African Security Police in 1988 in an unsuccessful attempt to prevent international distribution) – 58 minutes. This documentary looks at the harsh realities suffered by Namibia’s civilian population under a history of colonial occupation & specifically under military occupation by the South African Security Forces. The film achieved “Finalist Status” at […]
Co-producer & co-director of this USA production, nominated for an Academy Award in 1987.
This alternative series of documentary reports on Apartheid South Africa produced during the “state of emergency” in 1986 & 1987 formed the basis for the alternative documentary series broadcast on PBS in the USA under the title “South Africa Now”. This series challenged the nature & content of mainstream network coverage of Apartheid South Africa by USA […]
Workshopped with the township-youth during the first “State-of-Emergency” in 1985, this film examines many facets of life in the townships including involvement in the struggle against Apartheid and the breakdown in “parent-child” communication in the townships.